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Swoop has a Regional Focus.


We’ve been partnering with Swoop (formerly Countrytell) for many years to provide connectivity and data centre services to our customers. Countrytell is a leading Australian broadband infrastructure company, delivering the NSW community broadband program and providing world class wireless broadband in many regional communities.

Discover what Swoop can do for your connectivity needs.

Core features with Swoop


Colocation services are available from as little as 1RU up to as many racks are your company requires.

Reliable data centre

With an enviable track record of reliability, and as the only manned data centre in the Hunter Region, it’s no wonder Swoop is the home to the regions leading cloud service providers.

High-speed connectivity

Fast, reliable, and cost effective Internet, WAN, and backhaul available to customers across regional Australia.

How can we help you?

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